‘Batangas: My Sky and Earth,’ featuring the 5-star review seal from Readers’ Favorite, on display at the book signing event in Vancouver
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Exciting News: Batangas: My Sky and Earth Earns a Glowing 5-Star Review from Readers’ Favorite!

I am thrilled to share some incredible news with all of you! My memoir, Batangas: My Sky and Earth, has just received a prestigious 5-star review from Readers’ Favorite, one of the most respected book review sites in the industry. 🎉

Cherubimaris Casino, a reviewer for Readers’ Favorite, has written an insightful and heartwarming review that highlights the very core of what I hoped to capture in this book—family, faith, and the deeply rooted traditions of Filipino culture.

Click the photos to view their captions.

A Beautiful Reflection of Filipino Culture and Family Life

In their 5-star review, Cherubimaris Casino emphasizes the warmth and hospitality that fills the pages of Batangas: My Sky and Earth. They praise how the memoir brings to life the early memories of loving family members—grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and siblings—and how these relationships shaped my childhood on P. Pelaez Street. I am especially moved by how the reviewer connected with the memoir’s exploration of multigenerational Filipino households, something so integral to our culture.

Cherubimaris also noted the significance of faith and spirituality in the memoir, particularly through cherished Filipino traditions such as the Angelus and Simbang Gabi, and the unwavering devotion that filled our home. I couldn’t be happier that these important elements resonated with them.

A Story of Love, Resilience, and Family Bonds

One of the themes that seems to have touched Cherubimaris most is the fraternal bond between myself and my brother, Kuya Boying. Their kind words reflect exactly what I hoped to share in writing about our relationship: “The author’s childhood and fraternal bond with his brother is alive on each page,” they write, and I couldn’t be more honoured by this observation.

The review also highlights the memoir’s inclusion of personal moments—such as my time in the college glee club, and heartwarming anecdotes from my sisters—that bring depth and emotion to the narrative. These milestones are a testament to the love, faith, and resilience that shaped our family, even during our most difficult moments, like my brother’s health struggles.

Authentic Memories Captured in Photos

One of the most special elements of Batangas: My Sky and Earth is the inclusion of black-and-white photographs from the 1940s and onward, which Cherubimaris said enhanced the memoir with “touching authenticity.” I’m so glad that these personal photos allowed readers to step even deeper into my world, and that the visual storytelling added to the overall experience.

A Deep Connection to Filipino Culture

As a fellow Filipino, Cherubimaris felt a personal connection to the stories and traditions in the memoir. In their review, they share how it reminded them of their own family and brought them to tears. For me, this is the ultimate reward—to know that this memoir not only resonates with readers, but also stirs a sense of nostalgia and cultural pride.

In their words:

The glass ceiling at the Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A vivid portrayal of life in a Filipino household… A true treasure and an enriching, educational read.”

“I particularly loved how the author’s rich storytelling brings the customs and values of the Philippines to life, making it easy to connect with the characters and their experiences. The author’s childhood and fraternal bond with his brother is alive on each page. The inclusion of personal photos adds a touching authenticity to the narrative, allowing readers to step into the author’s world. It’s a true treasure and a delightful, educational read!”

—Readers’ Favorite, September 22, 2024

Thank You for Your Support

I am beyond grateful to Cherubimaris Casino and the entire team at Readers’ Favorite for this thoughtful and glowing review. This recognition is a huge milestone for me as an author, and it’s a testament to the importance of sharing stories that reflect the essence of who we are.

For those of you who have already supported Batangas: My Sky and Earth, whether by reading it or sharing your thoughts, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you haven’t had the chance to dive into my memoir yet, now is the perfect time!

You can read the full review from Readers’ Favorite here.

If you’ve already read the memoir, I would love for you to share your thoughts by leaving a review on platforms like Readers’ Favorite, Goodreads, Amazon, or on social media platforms such as Facebook. Every review, every word, helps more readers discover this story that means so much to me.

What’s Next?

With this exciting 5-star review in hand, I’m more motivated than ever to continue writing and sharing the stories that shaped my life. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events, book signings, and more surprises! Thank you for being part of this journey.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in conjunction with the press release entitled, Memoir Batangas: My Sky and Earth by Bong Serrano Receives Acclaim from Readers’ Favorite,” and was addressed to media outlets worldwide on September 25, 2023.

Readers’ Favorite Five-Star Book Review of ‘Batangas: My Sky and Earth’

For Book Buyers and the Trade

Download the Book Review and Author Biography (PDF)

Click the button below to download the five-star review of Batangas: My Sky and Earth by Cherubimaris Casino for Readers’ Favorite, along with the Author Biography as featured on Readers’ Favorite.





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