The author with high school mates, namely Emelyn, Minerva, Weng, Marissa, Gladdy, and their loved ones, at Indigo Robson for the book signing event
Home / The Publishing Chronicles: A Blog / The Book Signing: Rekindling Friendships Through Batangas: My Sky and Earth

The Book Signing: Rekindling Friendships Through Batangas: My Sky and Earth

For many of us, life moves at a relentless pace, filled with responsibilities, careers, and the endless hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s easy to lose touch with friends, even those who live in the same city, as we navigate through the years. Yet, sometimes, it takes a significant event to bring old friends back together.

Such was the case with the publishing of my book, Batangas: My Sky and Earth. Despite living in the same city for years, it took the release of my memoir to reconnect with friends from high school. As I embarked on my journey as a new author, their unwavering support, along with personally delivered reviews by early adopters, served as a beacon of encouragement, reminding me of the camaraderie we shared years ago.

The full-length video montage of my debut memoir, premiering on YouTube for the first book signing event.

In the transient world of work, where colleagues may come and go, there’s something special about seeing familiar faces from our past. The shared experiences, the inside jokes, and the projects we’ve built together create a bond that transcends time and distance. It’s a reminder that amid the chaos of life, there are moments of connection waiting to be rediscovered.

One such moment presented itself with the opportunity for a book signing event on Sunday, March 3, 2024, at the Indigo bookstore on Robson Street, one of the hubs of pop culture nestled in the heart of Vancouver’s vibrant shopping district. As I prepared to meet readers and share my story, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the chance to reunite with old friends in a setting that celebrated literature and community.

Click the photos to view their captions.

The anticipation of the event was palpable, each moment leading up to it filled with excitement and nostalgia. As old friends gathered at the bookstore, exchanging stories and laughter, it was as if no time had passed at all. The familiarity of their smiles and the warmth of their support reminded me of the importance of cherishing these connections, no matter how long it’s been since we last met.

As I signed copies of Batangas: My Sky and Earth, dedicating each one with heartfelt messages, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that brought me to this moment. From the memories of my childhood in Batangas to the challenges and triumphs of becoming an author, each page of the book held a piece of my heart. Furthermore, the book signing event was not just a celebration of my own achievements; it was a testament to the power of storytelling to bring people together.

As a local author in Vancouver, I received nothing but unmitigated support from Indigo’s managers to their staff. They demonstrated genuine curiosity about my book and arranged everything I needed to make my book signing event a resounding success. I thank Dave, Neills, Luis, and their staff for their kindness and support. They welcomed me and my readers to their store and made our experience unforgettable.

So, to all those who joined me at Indigo Robson that day, whether old friends or new acquaintances, thank you for being a part of this journey. Your presence, your support, and your camaraderie made the event truly special. And to those who couldn’t be there in person but were there in spirit, your encouragement means more than words can express.

As we continue to navigate through life’s twists and turns, may we always remember the importance of cherishing our connections and seizing the opportunities to reunite with old friends. For in those moments, we find not only joy and laughter but also the enduring bonds that make life truly meaningful.

To view more photos from the book signing event in Vancouver, click here to browse to the book’s Facebook page.

Photo Credits: All photos by Bong Serrano unless otherwise stated.





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